Alien Interview
INTRO VIDEO I don’t generally post links to the many interviews and podcasts I do, but this one tickles me. It’s basically an audio...

Effect of infrared radiation on interfacial water at hydrophilic surfaces
Paper published Mar 24, 2021 link to journal; full text (PDF) Hydrophilic materials such as Nafion can nucleate the buildup of...

Propolis-induced exclusion of colloids: Possible new mechanism of biological action
Paper published Aug 22, 2020 link to journal; full text (PDF) Propolis is a natural product originating from life activity of honeybees....

Cells in New Light: Ion Concentration, Voltage, and Pressure Gradients across a Hydrogel Membrane
Paper published Aug 11, 2020 link to journal; full text(PDF) The ionic compositions of the intra- and extracellular environments are...

My birthday celebration was nothing short of amazing
Originally, there was to have been a seminar/party in the grand city of Budapest, organized by Miklos Kellermayer, a former postdoc and...

Surface-induced flow: A natural microscopic engine using infrared energy as fuel
Paper published May 8, 2020 link to journal ; full text (PDF) Fluid commonly flows in response to an external pressure gradient....

My trip to Abu Dhabi
The Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi regularly organizes “Majlis” (assembly) seminars at his palace. I had the distinct honor of being one of...

Healthy fats and exclusion-zone size
Paper published January 31, 2020 link to journal; full text (PDF) A fourth phase of water, labeled exclusion-zone or “EZ,” extends from...

Moving Water Droplets: The Role of Atmospheric CO2 and Incident Radiant Energy in Charge Separation
Paper published December 6th, 2019 link to journal; full text (PDF) One of the characteristics of aqueous interfaces is their negative...

Unexpected effects of incident radiant energy on evaporation of Water condensate
Paper published September 17, 2019 link to journal; full text (PDF) While water evaporation and condensation are of fundamental...